What's new in Mailik? (Update #1)
September 5, 2024
Hey there! 👋
Welcome to the first in a series of quick updates about our product. In case you missed it, August saw the official launch of Mailik - our shiny new app for wrangling website forms.
How it all started
Mailik was born out of a problem we kept running into at our company. See, we're a product shop churning out dev tools like GraphQL Editor, DevTranslate, and Deliverky. But we were terrible at keeping tabs on all the forms scattered across our sites.
We'd miss important messages and potential leads, sometimes not catching them until months later. Oops! Why? Well, everything was all over the place. We'd forget to check spot X where messages from site Y were piling up.
After one too many "d'oh!" moments, we knew we had to fix this. A few days of brainstorming later, we thought: "Wouldn't it be great if all this stuff just landed in our inboxes?" and boom - Mailik was born.
The big launch
We meant to roll this out in 2023, but life (and other projects) got in the way. When we finally circled back this year, Mailik was basically good to go. But the look was a bit stale, so we gave it a facelift and some under-the-hood upgrades.
Come August 2024, we decided it was ready. (Spoiler: we were wrong, but more on that later.) We focused our launch efforts on Product Hunt, which went pretty well - 182 upvotes and 11th place for the day. We also posted on Hacker News (YCombinator's tech news hotspot) and Reddit.
Feedback & new features
Surprise, surprise - people dug it! Our Hacker News post was on the top of New category for a while. All this buzz brought over 3,000 visitors to Mailik's page, with about 100 creating accounts. We got tons of great feedback, which we've been sorting through and slowly implementing.
The first big feature we've added this month is "Inbox". Now, on top of zapping form responses to your email, you can check them right in Mailik's dashboard!
<img height="580" width="1075" alt="Inbox feature in Mailik" title="mailik_inbox (1).png" src="https://eu-central-1-shared-euc1-02.graphassets.com/clzpxlzgq008a01w6391f9jur/resize=width:1075,height:580/cm0paylzql6im08w0lro2ik8w" />
Feature is already available in the panel so you can create an account and test it yourself. But that's not all! Stay tuned - we've got more tweaks and feattures coming your way soon!
Try Mailik
Set up your first project in a few minutes and gather form responses from your websites in one place