Malik docs

Welcome to Mailik Documentation which will walk you through the necessary steps and start sending forms using Mailik.

What is Mailik?

Mailik is an app that simplifies the process of receiving user inputs from client-side of your web applications. It allows you to easily gather emails and find leads from various frontend elements like:

  • forms,
  • surveys,
  • questionnaires,
  • customer support forms,
  • error reporting,
  • newsletter subscriptions etc.

The best thing about Mailik is that you don't need any server code, all happens in your frontend app.

What is Mailik composed of?

The two main Mailik elements are Admin panel & Mailik SDK.

Admin panel

The admin panel is the first place you should visit. In the admin panel you need to create an account and then create project groups within which you create projects. After creating a project Mailik will automatically generate a public key for it, which is an element that links Mailik to your web application.


No server code required, just install it in your web project, follow the instructions and enjoy the form responses appearing in your email mailbox.